Header bidding

Header Bidding – more efficient, powerful and faster

Header Bidding is one of the most preferred methods for publishers to increase their ad revenue streams. Improve Media Header Bidding solution enables publishers to effortlessly track, optimize and boost their digital ad sales. By implementing our solution publishers are able to meet more demand, capitalize inventory with better efficiency and develop performance faster.

The main advantage of Header Bidding is that the demand-side is holistically competitive. The best commercial results for publishers are achieved when the demand base is versatile and it is systematically managed with an appropriate system. The main goal is to capture the best price per shown ad in combination with the highest relative fill rate.

Our solution is light to deploy

Improve Media Header Bidding has been tried and tested from the start of 2020 with substantial results. The solution has increased ad revenue for publishers, lowered reaction time to necessary changes and improved overall control for publishers.

Our solution can be easily tested with new publishers. The overall process is simple and fast from the publishers’ perspective with minimal risks. There are no additional costs for publishers related to the setup or using our analytics services.

Combining auction models for the best yield

Improve Media Header Bidding is based on Prebid . It consists of C2S (Client-to-Server) and S2S (Server-to-Server) auction functionalities. Through our experiences publishers receive the best revenue results when these two models are dynamically combined. The solution is designed to utilize the best of both worlds and provide publishers optimal performance in digital ad sales.

Our solution can be flexibly implemented to meet the unique needs of any given publisher. Our initial steps include agreeing on publishers commercial goals, technical consulting and on-boarding.

Better decisions with insightful analytics

Our Header Bidding solution is delivered with an analytics tool which is designed to provide real-time information to publishers. This enables publishers to optimize their technical performance and track commercial performance. Our analytics provide publishers with technical parameters and key insights on placement level.

Join our network to benefit from sales and support

By implementing our Header Bidding solution publishers become part of our digital network and will benefit from our steadily increasing sales. As part of the Improve Media network, publisher revenue is uplifted with the help of our sales and through our extensive collaboration with technology providers. We cooperate with the largest industry service providers such as Google, Adform, Pubmatic, Rubicon and Appnexus as well as being a member of IAB.

Our Header Bidding technology is successfully improving the performance of more than 300 sites.

Compliant by design

Improve Media Header Bidding is compatible with the latest privacy regulations. Our solution supports most CMP’s which are validated to work with TCF 2.0 standards. We are able to provide support for publishers looking for the optimal consent management tools as well as consulting in the design or technical questions regarding the consent query.

Contact us for more information!

Ota yhteyttä ja luodaan parempaa tulosta yhdessä!

Jesse Valli
Head of Special Operations
050 363 0921

Ville Lahtinen

Ville Lahtinen
Programmatic and Data Specialist
050 372 1095

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